The junction gate field-effect transistor, or JFET, is the simplest type of field-effect transistor. In a junction field-effect transistor, or JFET, the controlled current passes from source to drain, or from drain to source as the case may be. The controlling voltage is applied between the gate and source. Note how the current does not have to cross through a PN junction on its way between source and drain: the path (called a channel) is an uninterrupted block of semiconductor material.
Its types are as follows:
Practical on JFET Transistor Input/Output Characteristics
Watch this Video to know about JFET Transistor characteristics
Also Know About – Input/Output Characteristics in CE, CB, CC Configuration
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To study Transistor Input/Output Characteristics of JFET – Electronics Practical
Outstanding info once again. I am looking forward for more
Nice post